🤩SSAT👉 功課分享👈

今日要分享的是來自國一生Felix在SSAT課堂中所繳出來的功課 👀還是主任拜託老師務必給拍!今天才能分享給大家看的呦😽 Social System & Religion of 4 Early River Civilizations 四大古文明的信仰與社會階級 看看這些經過統整和歸納後的資料;不說是不是不敢相信是出自一位國一生之手呢! 除了看完長篇英文文章後還要詳細內化整個內容 🌐 閱讀歷程 閱讀素養的認知歷程。107.01.05取自 台灣PISA國家研究中心 。 https://flipedu.parenting.com.tw/article/4376 🔺 SSAT課程的核心 👩 English isn't just a school subject for testing, BUT a tool to learn different cultures and knowledge around the world 英文不只是一門學校考試學科,而是一個用來習得世界不同文化及知識的工具。📚 1. The core materials focus on humanity (history, geography, government, civic responsibility, and basic psychology, basic economics ) and literature (usage of literary devices and function of rhetorical devices) to strengthen children knowledge on the interconnectedness between interdisciplinary subjects. 主要課程涵蓋人文(歷史、地理、政治、公民責任和基礎心理學)和文學修詞手法來加強跨領域知識的連結讓您素養帶著走 2. The class activities consist of mini debates, small presentations, poster drawings, vocabulary contest...