
The Year of Rat🐭 - Let's make a paper lantern!🏮鼠年行大運:)一起來做紙燈籠吧

background knowledge 知識小科普   Paper lanterns, originating from  Eastern Han Dynasty  (25-220), mainly were used as lamps in ancient China. A variety of crafts  were used in their making such as Chinese paintings, paper-cutting, and pricking and seaming and many kinds of materials such as bamboo, wood, wheat-straw and metal were used in their manufacture. Paper and silk were the major materials. 👉 紙燈籠始源於漢朝,一開始主要是當作照明工具(燈)常見的材料為竹子、木頭、稻草和金屬。    Originally, monks used lanterns on the twelfth day of the first lunar month in their worship of the Buddha. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Emperor Liu Zhuang was a Buddhist and he ordered the inhabitants of the imperial palace and citizens to light lanterns to worship the Buddha just as the monks did. Later, this custom gradually became a grand festival among common people. During the  Tang Dynasty  (618 - 907), people made lanterns to celebrate their peaceful life while the splendid illuminations...

🎃2019🎃百瀚龍華 🍕萬聖節 Pizza Party

一年一度的Trick or Treat來啦!今年百瀚龍華千里迢迢、克服萬難、使命必達為了給小孩不一樣的萬聖節特地找了『正統』窯烤pizza餐車合作👏👏初衷義式拿坡里窯烤披薩 讓小孩可以一邊動手做👍一邊學英文👍👍 但是如果是單純手作披薩就不符合課綱精神了 除了要事先裝扮外,小朋友們還要闖關通過各個關卡才可以成功把披薩送進烤爐呦! 👻排隊Knock Knock 👻完成worksheet  👻動手做Pizza 👻分享Pizza 最後的最後謝謝大家熱情的參與活動!

💫 百瀚龍華多益+英檢榜單

🥳 8月多益+9月英檢中級 成績出爐啦! 恭喜通過的同學,下階段的 英檢複試也要開始準備囉 ! ⭐️ 2020英檢考試日期也出來了,歡迎大家畫好想要考試的日期跟凱倫主任討論課程⭐️ ⭐️最後不管是考哪個場次,學習都是要設定目標並且按部就班的完成設定規劃 不要忘記當初設定的目標 也不要害怕考不過


新學期開始百瀚龍華有新的集點辦法囉🤩 想要集點但是還沒加入龍華Line的記得要掃描百瀚龍華的QR Code喔! 🤩期許108學年度大家都可以集點集滿滿 💯  🤩在此放上107學年度的總榜單,一起見證孩子的階段性成就 🗣Karen主任說可以截圖自己小孩的名字並留言貼上也可以換Line點數喔!

🤩SSAT👉 功課分享👈

今日要分享的是來自國一生Felix在SSAT課堂中所繳出來的功課 👀還是主任拜託老師務必給拍!今天才能分享給大家看的呦😽 Social System & Religion of 4 Early River Civilizations  四大古文明的信仰與社會階級 看看這些經過統整和歸納後的資料;不說是不是不敢相信是出自一位國一生之手呢! 除了看完長篇英文文章後還要詳細內化整個內容 🌐 閱讀歷程 閱讀素養的認知歷程。107.01.05取自 台灣PISA國家研究中心 。 https://flipedu.parenting.com.tw/article/4376 🔺 SSAT課程的核心 👩 English isn't just a school subject for testing, BUT a tool to learn different cultures and knowledge         around the world   英文不只是一門學校考試學科,而是一個用來習得世界不同文化及知識的工具。📚 1. The core materials focus on humanity (history, geography, government, civic responsibility, and basic psychology, basic economics ) and literature (usage of literary devices and function of rhetorical devices) to strengthen children knowledge on the interconnectedness between interdisciplinary subjects. 主要課程涵蓋人文(歷史、地理、政治、公民責任和基礎心理學)和文學修詞手法來加強跨領域知識的連結讓您素養帶著走 2. The class activities consist of mini debates, small presentations, poster drawings, vocabulary contest...

㊗️10804中級複試榜單✚10806初級初試榜單 🥳

🙈 GEPT英檢成績出爐啦!恭喜本次通過測驗的學生🎊 👉10804中級複試榜單-   特別恭喜首次挑戰就成功的國一生 👍👍 👉10806 初級初試榜單- 特別恭喜雙科破百小五生 👍👍  😇初試通過兩年內要通過複試喲! 😇初級為CEFR A2等級,相當於國中畢業程度 😇中級為CEFR B1等級,相當於高一/二程度。 🆕初級複試 ①每週一晚上6:30~9:30 ②每週五晚上6:30~9:30 🆕初級口說暑期班 每週二晚上6:30~8:30 🆕中級複試班 ①每週三晚上6:30~8:30 ②每週六早上10:30~12:30 🆕中級口說暑期班 每週三7:30~9:30

小高一注意📢 重要懶人包.zip🤩

今日要分享的是來自國一生Felix在SSAT課堂中所繳出來的功課 👀還是主任拜託老師務必給拍!今天才能分享給大家看的呦😽 Social System & Religion of 4 Early River Civilizations  四大古文明的信仰與社會階級 看看這些經過統整和歸納後的資料;不說是不是不敢相信是出自一位國一生之手呢! 除了看完長篇英文文章後還要詳細內化整個內容 🌐 閱讀歷程 閱讀素養的認知歷程。107.01.05取自 台灣PISA國家研究中心 。 https://flipedu.parenting.com.tw/article/4376 🔺 SSAT課程的核心 👩 English isn't just a school subject for testing, BUT a tool to learn different cultures and knowledge         around the world   英文不只是一門學校考試學科,而是一個用來習得世界不同文化及知識的工具。📚 1. The core materials focus on humanity (history, geography, government, civic responsibility, and basic psychology, basic economics ) and literature (usage of literary devices and function of rhetorical devices) to strengthen children knowledge on the interconnectedness between interdisciplinary subjects. 主要課程涵蓋人文(歷史、地理、政治、公民責任和基礎心理學)和文學修詞手法來加強跨領域知識的連結讓您素養帶著走 2. The class activities consist of mini debates, small presentations, poster drawings, vocabulary contest...